DELIGHTFUL DUETS: Ku'se - Psalmos and Kenny K'ore

How often do you come across a duet sang in Yoruba?  Rarely.  What about a duet sang in Ekiti dialect? Even rarer.

So, now you know why I had to share this song with you.  It's titled Ku'se by Psalmos, featuring Kenny K'ore, and it's a must-listen-to-by-fire-and-by-force.

Ku'se literally means "Well done" and it's a song of thanksgiving and praise to God.
I just discovered and fell in love with this song around December last year, and I knew it was just a matter of time before it made it to the blog.

So, here it is in all its deliciously harmonious, traditionally rich glory.


There's even a video for Ku'se on YouTube, which complements the simplicity of the song.

Lyrics are available on Gospel Lyrics and on Psalmos' Facebook Page.

I need translation for some parts though, so if you understand the Ekiti dialect in this song, please share the translation in the comments.

Thanks in advance.

More information on artistes:


Artiste's Real Name: Bolaji Olayinka

Connect with artiste: @PsalmosBeeJay on Twitter | Facebook

Listen to more music: ReverbNation



Artiste's Real Name: Kehinde Akinbode

Connect with artiste: @KennyKore on Twitter | Facebook

Listen to more music: ReverbNation

Picture Source: Gospotainment


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