Post "SS" Beef [Featured Artiste: 'Motola]
Secondary School
Behold a “rant-and-rave” blog post! (*giggles*) The title of this entry notwithstanding, I am not about to launch into an in-depth analysis of beef and its many qualities and uses. And no, I am not about to lay out the recipe for banga soup either….LOL! Okay, enough with the intrigue already! “SS” here stands for “Secondary School.” I must have mentioned secondary schools a couple of times on this blog, but what I neglected to mention was the name of the one I attended. I am still not ready to disclose that, but I do have a bone of contention with certain “admirers” (Oh, I’m sorry! I do believe I misspelt that word! I actually meant to spell this one: H-A-T-E-R-S! LOL! Or like Yoruba folks who swallow their “H” would pronounce it, ‘ATERS’)
I attended a well-known federal government college in Nigeria, and while I have never had a problem with that, I have noticed that more than a few people do.
My experience in Nigeria AND surprisingly, here in the US, is that people often ask me what secondary school I attended (no one really asks about primary school) and as soon as I say the name of the school, the comments start rolling in. By the time I give examples, I suspect you may probably guess at the school sef….LOL! Oya, here are examples of reactions: