You must have seen this coming. I mean, how could I possibly ask
what name(s) you call your grandmother(s) without asking about grandfathers too?
Let me paint the disastrous scenario: A Nigerian grandfather is browsing the internet, pipe or snuff box in one hand, the other hand is working the keyboard or mouse. By some miracle, he stumbles on my blog. He has been searching for a new name to call his sweetheart: Grandma.
He quickly scans my blog and discovers to his chagrin that I only dedicated a post to grandmothers. No similar post for grandfathers.
Upset ... No, livid with anger, he contacts the President of the Association for the Advancement of Nigerian Grandfathers' Rights, and they send me a carefully-worded e-mail. They "CC" the National Pipe Smokers' Association, who inevitably inform the Federal Snuffbox Carrying Giants of Nigeria of my error. No, they're not really giants. They're just people who have been using snuff for longer than Nigeria has had her independence.
... Should I continue? I mean, this is all fictitious, and ... Whatever! I shall continue jare!