One Lovely Blog Award [Featured Artiste: Jeremiah Gyang]
Blog Awards,
Jeremiah Gyang

Now, to pay the price of being tagged. So, here are “ze RULES” (in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice):
Link back to the person who gave you the award
Complete the form below
Tell seven random things about yourself
Nominate 15 bloggers
*Takes in a deep breath* … Here we go!
Name your favorite color
Hmmm … I actually don’t have one, but I really like fuschia and blue (not necessarily together, but that’ll work too).
Name your favorite song
I don’t have one. Shocking, right? Maybe not (judging by the answer to Question 1). What I do have are a bunch of songs that I really really like. One of them is “Kauna Allah” (God's Love) by Jeremiah Gyang. I like BOTH the version with Jeremiah Gyang featuring M.I and the version with Sgt. Plus featuring Jeremiah Gyang. Since I always want to feature music on this blog, please see both versions towards the end of this post (and enjoy!)
Name your favorite dessert
Ha! This one is easy – Strawberry Cheesecake.
What pisses you off?
Well, I have a whole list of pet peeves (LOL) and I will do a separate post on them one of these days, but I particularly detest people talking to me with their mouths full. Seriously, I find it hard to concentrate on anything else other than dodging the bullets of food (and spit) being fired in my direction *laughs*
When you are upset you
I try to avoid the person who upset me while I think up evil and devious ways of getting back at them. I might listen to music … and then get back to plotting. Thank God for the Holy Spirit (“Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord)
Your favorite pet
Dogs … when they are still puppies. So soft and cuddly. After watching enough Nigerian movies and TV series, you should not be too surprised that I am not fond of cats (especially with them being linked to everything evil … Blood of Jesus!)
Black or white?
(jokingly): White, because I am an ANGEL (polishes halo and puts on her best “I am an angel” face) … LOL! Seriously, I prefer Black because it goes with just about anything. You cannot go wrong with black. People talk about the “little black dress,” not the “little white dress.” I rest my case.
Your biggest fear
Come on! I am not going to reveal that here. Okay, I will be a good sport and this is my answer: not fulfilling my purpose in life, i.e. what God created me to do.
Everyday attitude
Seize the day (like that Amy Grant song says)
Your best feature
You really want to know don’t you? My EYES, I suppose. They look like slits when I laugh or smile. Sometimes you cannot tell if they are open or not. Yes, they are small *sigh*
What is perfection?
Being in the will of God … ALWAYS
Guilty pleasure
Well-dressed men. There is just something so attractive and irresistible (not the words I had in mind) about a well-dressed man. But of course, I act like it doesn’t matter *gawks at well-dressed bobo walking by …. (in the voice of a Southern preacher: “The Lord is GOOD!)*
7 Random things about myself:
15 Blogs I am passing this award on to:
Free Truths
@Moi Frequency
Atilola: Practical meditations of an enigma
Yellow Sisi Unspoken
Le Dynamique Professeur
Barbara & 1923
Modern African Cuisine
Lohi’s Creations
I Bake Therefore I am
Titi’s Passions
Amanda Shares
Rhapsody Phoenix
Nollywood Rave
The world through the eyes of a keen observer
Sweetly Broken
As promised, please see below two versions of Kauna Allah. I will post more details on Jeremiah Gyang later.
And that’s all folks. I actually enjoyed doing this. Have a great week y’all!
I try to avoid the person who upset me while I think up evil and devious ways of getting back at them. I might listen to music … and then get back to plotting. Thank God for the Holy Spirit (“Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord)
Your favorite pet
Dogs … when they are still puppies. So soft and cuddly. After watching enough Nigerian movies and TV series, you should not be too surprised that I am not fond of cats (especially with them being linked to everything evil … Blood of Jesus!)
Black or white?
(jokingly): White, because I am an ANGEL (polishes halo and puts on her best “I am an angel” face) … LOL! Seriously, I prefer Black because it goes with just about anything. You cannot go wrong with black. People talk about the “little black dress,” not the “little white dress.” I rest my case.
Your biggest fear
Come on! I am not going to reveal that here. Okay, I will be a good sport and this is my answer: not fulfilling my purpose in life, i.e. what God created me to do.
Everyday attitude
Seize the day (like that Amy Grant song says)
Your best feature
You really want to know don’t you? My EYES, I suppose. They look like slits when I laugh or smile. Sometimes you cannot tell if they are open or not. Yes, they are small *sigh*
What is perfection?
Being in the will of God … ALWAYS
Guilty pleasure
Well-dressed men. There is just something so attractive and irresistible (not the words I had in mind) about a well-dressed man. But of course, I act like it doesn’t matter *gawks at well-dressed bobo walking by …. (in the voice of a Southern preacher: “The Lord is GOOD!)*
7 Random things about myself:
- I wear glasses
- I really really love to laugh ... at good, clean jokes though
- I am a twin; my twin is a girl (or should I say, woman)
- I prefer fish to chicken or beef any day
- I love singing, but more as a back-up singer than as a soloist
- I enjoy watching cartoons. I don’t think I will ever outgrow them.
- I procrastinate….A LOT!
15 Blogs I am passing this award on to:
Free Truths
@Moi Frequency
Atilola: Practical meditations of an enigma
Yellow Sisi Unspoken
Le Dynamique Professeur
Barbara & 1923
Modern African Cuisine
Lohi’s Creations
I Bake Therefore I am
Titi’s Passions
Amanda Shares
Rhapsody Phoenix
Nollywood Rave
The world through the eyes of a keen observer
Sweetly Broken
Featured Artiste: Jeremiah Gyang
As promised, please see below two versions of Kauna Allah. I will post more details on Jeremiah Gyang later.
Congrats on your award. I love cartoons too, and wear glasses. Didn't know you were a twin, are you both identical?
Thank you so much! You love cartoons too? And wear glasses? I would never have guessed! LOL!
Yes, I am a twin, but we are fraternal though (so we couldn't play tricks on people on that level, when we were growing up)
Thanks for awarding me this. I should get around to doing it soon.
Let's see you eyes naa, lol.
You have a twin??????? waoooooo. Thanks for the tag :) me love u long time!
Congrats on your award and thanks for bestowing it too :)
Good to know some things about you | u r a twin? I look forward to seeing ur pics (keen to see the small eyes...) haha | Whats your height?
Bless you :)
PS: The Kauna Allah song is beautiful :)
You're very welcome! I look forward to reading your entry.
If I show you my eyes, I won't be anonymous again na....LOL!
Yes, I have a twin o and she's like me (and unlike me) in many ways. You're very welcome and "Awwwww" (plus blushes) at the love! I appreciate it.
You're are so welcome, LDP! Yes, I am a twin, but we are not identical sha (Thank God). Pictures ke? Emmmm, I will draw a stick figure with tiny eyes and post it nigbayen! LOL! My height? Let's just say I am taller than a regular-sized acoustic guitar (how unhelpful. I know).
I am glad you liked the song. It's a classic to me. I don't think I can get tired of listening to it.
Hi, arent we all surprised to know that you are a twin?? thanks so much for passing the award to me. I will be sure to do it justice and pass it on.
its me Barbara &1923. Thanks again
Ha ha! I still can't understand why this revelation of my being a twin is so shocking....LOL! The surprise itself is funny to me *giggling*
You're very welcome, as per the award. I'll be on the lookout for your entry.
Thanks for stopping by!
You're welcome again, Barbara. My pleasure!
Hey! thank you so much for the award! As I haven't even had the chance to go on my own blog recently (even with all the plans I had!) I don't know when I will get the chance to do what I need to do. But I will, I promise!
Now on to your post;
I always knew I was the third twin- here are a few things we have in common too- I wear glasses, I love dogs and strawberry cheesecake (not together obviously), and my best features (one of many actually, *cough* *cough*) are also my eyes although they're anything but small! :)
p.s. who can resist a well-dressed bobo??? ;)
Nice song by the way!xx
Gracias,the ever Relentless one.I picture you now sitting cross legged on a couch with a plate adorned with strawberry cheesecake on your laps peering through your glasses at those cartoon characters,having a good laugh and just enjoying life.*winks*.Thanks again pal for passing this award to moi.Gracias. Senorita.
*grinning from ear to ear* You're very welcome, Amanda. I must say I was quite impressed at how you nicely crafted a simple paragraph with some of the things I said about myself in this post. I am still smiling sef .... Very creative! Thanks for visiting my blog too!
You're very welcome, Renny. You can address the award when you're less busy. I understand how busy one can get ... so don't sweat it at all :-)
LOL @ you being a third twin. I would have preferred "Blog twin" but this one'll work too. You wear glasses? (I didn't see that one coming) But I already knew about the dogs and cheesecake (stomach growls) thanks to your other blog. LOL @ your "many" awesome features. Someone is tooting her own horn, isn't she? (grins) .. It's allowed!
As for the well-dressed bobo, I see that you also appreciate the "finer" things in life (wink) ... LOL! I am glad you liked the song.
Someone is getting curious o! LOL! I have my reasons for being anonymous, even though I am not sharing anything particularly scandalous on this blog. Let's just leave it at that sha. Don't worry ... you're seeing all you should see :-)
Why are you an anonymous blogger sef? It's not like you are disclosing anything sensitive on ur blog; or is there something I am not seeing? lol
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