One Kobo | Featured Artiste: Gogo Majin
Gogo Majin,
Note: I think I
have resolved the problem with Disqus. Thank you so much for your
patience :-) *runs off to next paragraph to begin post*
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[Picture from HERE] |
[catching her
breath and fanning herself]
Even if you have never vocalized it, you have a philosophy on money and finances which dictates how you handle your finances. The question is: how did you develop that philosophy or better still, who taught you the value of money? If you really examine yourself, you might discover that consciously or unconsciously, you have adopted the philosophy and / or attitudes your parents (or guardians) had towards money. Depending on what that philosophy is, it might be a good or bad thing. You might have had parents who were very frugal or spendthrifts or an unhealthy combination of both. More than likely, it rubbed off on you.
Even if you have never vocalized it, you have a philosophy on money and finances which dictates how you handle your finances. The question is: how did you develop that philosophy or better still, who taught you the value of money? If you really examine yourself, you might discover that consciously or unconsciously, you have adopted the philosophy and / or attitudes your parents (or guardians) had towards money. Depending on what that philosophy is, it might be a good or bad thing. You might have had parents who were very frugal or spendthrifts or an unhealthy combination of both. More than likely, it rubbed off on you.
What got me
thinking about this was the fact that inasmuch as many Nigerian parents
insist that their children should choose certain professions, they do not
emphasize financial education. Apart
from finding fulfillment in your profession/career, it is supposed to supply
your immediate needs e.g. food, clothing, shelter, makeup, perfume, Brazilian
weave, Yaba weave, fake eyelashes, over-priced designer shirts (the one where the horse is flogging the man and not vice-versa *wink*), iPad, bicycle, generator, bucket, etc …LOL (I couldn’t help
myself … I just had to have fun with that list ... I think I got carried away and added stuff for NYSC camp *smh*) The list is endless, but you
(and not your aristo or “sugar-mummy”) are supposed to be able to afford these expenses
based on your income. My point is this:
parents often say “go and read law, go and read medicine, go and read ______
(fill in the blanks) so you can make plenty money like Uncle So-and-So,” but
you usually don’t hear parents talking about how these kids should acquire
financial wisdom/intelligence to manage the supposed “money” that they will
spend the rest of their lives making.
I have noticed
that it is after people graduate from college that they now start attending all
sorts of financial seminars and workshops, trying to educate themselves on
money and finances. Wouldn’t it be a
much better idea to start CONSCIOUSLY and DELIBERATELY educating young people
from a very early stage about these things? I think so because in that case
even if their parents don’t set good examples, they can have another institution to help correct their views on money (That's assuming the media has not completely "infected" them with the "swagger" mentality). Yes, I am suggesting that the school can correct some of the things the
parents get wrong, but it is just a suggestion.
I am not sure how feasible this would be, and in fact I can already see
potential kata-kata bursting if parents disapprove of what schools teach their
kids. But that will be a separate topic
for another day.
On another note, what do you think would happen if you took one kobo to buy something like “tom-tom” or chewing gum? Ahhhh, I can see aboki taking that one kobo from you and stoning you with it! Shege! Abi na lie I talk? That just tells you what one kobo is worth today.
Featured Artiste: Gogo Majin
Gogo Majin is
today’s featured artiste and I first heard her song “Almighty God” a few years
ago. But today, I will be featuring
another one of her songs called ‘Waiting on you.’
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[Gogo Majin / MySpace] |
I find her particularly interesting because she
is one of those few people who actually took the extra step to go and study
music at a Music School in the UK. So,
she has formal training in music, beyond her own college education. I think you would have to have a certain
level of passion for music to invest time and energy (not to mention finances)
to do that and I just find that fascinating.
Okay, enough of my yarns. Here is
“Waiting on you,” followed by my brief opinion:
Likes: It sounds well-produced and edited (thank
God!) The intro was really welcoming /
relaxing (to me, at least). I particularly like the slight reverb effect (makes
her sound like she is in a well and really gives the effect of solitude, which
is what prayer often entails). The beat
is not particularly slow (it is arguably not even slow at all), which lets the
song sound different from a typical worship song. It also has this contemporary, jazzy/soul
feel that I gbadun well well. The songwriting is pretty good and flows with the
“chop-chop” fashion (the verses and chorus deliberately lag behind the beat or vice-versa)
in which she sings the verses. This lends
an air of authenticity to the song, like it is a true heart-felt prayer, genuinely
flowing from her heart to God. I also liked the emphasis on the pronunciation of “WAIT-ING” in the chorus from the mini-acapella part to the end.
Dislikes: The
background vocals are a bit loud in some parts, but for the most part, they
sound balanced. Gogo’s voice gets
drowned out by the background vocals towards the end when she adlibs and the background
vocals sing the chorus. But then again,
that might be exactly what the producer intended.
So what did you
think about the song? I would love to know!
Finally, here is
some brief information on Gogo:
Stage Name: Gogo
Artiste's Real
Name: Gogo Majin
ReverbNation Page:
Social Networks: Facebook /
MySpace /
Featured Album
/ Song: Gogo's Song
Book / Waiting on you
Have a superb
"over-priced designer shirts (the one where the horse is flogging the man and not vice-versa *wink*)" just made my day. lmao. anyways.. Well said on the finances, I didn’t know the value of money until I graduated college and started making my own money, living in this part of the world has made me realize so much..... I recently left my previous job for a company that offered me 20k more than I was making initially, I was ecstatic, only to realize that the difference in my take home pay after taxes is like $280 bucks...
Will listen to the lady when I get to school later. Yes o, a one kobo coin will earn you correct stoning like the one done on mount (help me with the name) in Mecca. lol
You raised a very important point here. It's true that parents often neglect the wisdom behind managing money and often tend towards making money only. I guess the reason is because subconciously they believe if you earn a lot of money, perhaps you don't need much wisdom with regards to the handling but if you earn less, you sure needs a whole lot of wisdom in handling it. haha. *just my thoughts* U agree?
That song is lurrrvely...I don't know if it's the fact that I expected it to be good because she actually had some training, but it just has a nice, smooth finish in my opinion. Thanks for sharing!
I could definitely have used some financial training a few years ago, but we live and learn! :)
Money management is a very needful topic to teach children. On the horse flogging the just a clown! I couldn't help laughing.
Does anyone still have 1 kobo these days? LOL...
You know this is one reason I am a fan of boarding schools in secondary school. For me they were the beginning of financial education and finally independence.
I am good with money and proud of that fact. My philosophy about money came from living in lack. As a child in part of my childhood in the care of a maternal grandparent, he did not give allowances, even to get money to travel to school was a problem and i'd find myself up at 4:30 am pacing the floors till 6 am rehearsing many ways to ask for money to travel to school, on the days when my courage abandoned me, I would walk. I learnt how to make the pittance i had last as long as humanly possible. The pittance usually came from my paternal grandmother who would give me a little from little she had and I would make it last as long as I could. That and the hustle I hustled to work is how I survived. No one with the exception of my paternal grandmother who was poor herself gave me anything and I didn’t ask. I learnt quick how to save, how to be creative to make money last so I could provide for my needs and myself. A lesson I cherish today and understanding that out of that hardship came a blessing.
He he he! Glad I made your day, ma'am! *shinning teeth*
As per the take home pay, Yikes! It would have really helped to have known that beforehand. Talk about the bottom-line ... *smh* Well, look on the bright side though - you have a job and in this economy, that makes a big difference. But still ....
So did you finally get a chance to listen to Gogo? LOL @ the stoning. I have never heard of any stoning in Mecca o ... Na wa!
I think you make a valid point here, but I don't completely agree. If you cannot manage your money properly when you are earning a little, how then can you manage it well when you are earning a lot more. I think it depends on the nature of your employment. If you are an employee collecting a salary, then your expenses are personal and you might not need a lot financial wisdom because regardless of what you do, you have a steady cash flow every month or so.
For an enterpreneur though, the consideration is different. He has BOTH business and personal expenses, so the stakes are higher. He would need to have a lot of financial intelligence to keep his business afloat.
What do you think?
Yay! Glad you liked the song. I suppose I did build anticipation with the info on her being a professional, but I agree. It does sound more polished than some others. You're welcome ... my pleasure.
For the things no one teaches us, life is a ready teacher, right? Keep marching forward!
Yes, Mike. Learning the value of money and how to manage it wisely is an invaluable lesson, that we learn from various sources (good and bad). Sometimes, experience is the best teacher. You mean you haven't seen the horse flogging the man before *smh* Very expensive shirt, I tell you! LOL!
I haven't set eyes on a one kobo coin in ages. Maybe coin collectors do ... I am sure some of our parents / grandparents still have them :-)
So you like boarding schools? I am actually not a fan, but you're right about how they help teach students independence and financial wisdom. You have to manage the money (and provisions) your parents give you until the next visiting day (or afterwards). For those who don't learn then, there's always college/uni, but again, that depends on the kind of uni you attend.
Blessings to you too!
Whoa! From the account you gave, it's a wonder you're not teaching a financial education class :D I mean, you had it rough! I can't imagine having to walk to school because you had absolutely no choice. That must've been hard. Talk less of all the other luxuries you couldn't afford. But it is truly a blessing that you are able to talk about these things in the past tense and not the present. So thank God for the woman you have become today and the invaluable lessons you learnt from your childhood experiences. And thank you for being open and honest and sharing your story here. I really appreciate it :-)
When life gives you lemons ... I doubt that life's lemons would ever intimidate you again ...
On men, i am really feeling this song i played it over and over again, really nice, as for money my mum is a retired banker, i learnt to give account for EVERY penny spent ..
I know ... the song is just cool and relaxing. Keep feelin' it :D
Ah, your mum was a banker ... Nuff said! You should thank her for teaching you to be frugal :-)
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please Share.