Yours Irreverently: Omit 'that' nasty hiccup
My first memorable encounter with the 'F' word (Yes, THE F-word) ironically was during an all-night prayer vigil in church. I had just met this guy, who later became my friend (wonderful vocalist, by the way) at that same vigil. I think we were supposed to be getting prayer points before jumping into the group prayer. In the process of relating his frustration with his sister for not helping him with his plans to study abroad (at least, that's what he told me), he said the F-word. I thought I had misheard him, but after he repeated it several times, I knew I was not dreaming. This guy was using the F-word at a prayer meeting!
Now, regardless of your philosophies on church buildings, I think we can agree on this: Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and not the church building. In spite of this though, I think it is still irreverent to use certain words, curse words specifically, in Church. In fact, I believe that if you cannot use certain words in Church, you should not use them at all. Except maybe in the bedroom, with your husband or wife while doing the nasty, but that's besides the point, and frankly, it's none of my business. While I cannot tell you how to use your mouth, can I suggest to you that you can surely express yourself without using curse words? Of course, I am not blind and deaf to what truly goes on in churches, but using curse words in gospel music is a HUGE no-no for me. I know gospel artistes copy secular artistes in many many ways, and I am willing to overlook some of those. But, what truly separates gospel music from secular music is the message. You cannot separate the message from the lyrics!
Just like my F-word-using friend, I have come across several Nigerian gospel songs that use curse words in them. In trying to find a logical explanation for this, I have come up with the following possible theories:
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Now, regardless of your philosophies on church buildings, I think we can agree on this: Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and not the church building. In spite of this though, I think it is still irreverent to use certain words, curse words specifically, in Church. In fact, I believe that if you cannot use certain words in Church, you should not use them at all. Except maybe in the bedroom, with your husband or wife while doing the nasty, but that's besides the point, and frankly, it's none of my business. While I cannot tell you how to use your mouth, can I suggest to you that you can surely express yourself without using curse words? Of course, I am not blind and deaf to what truly goes on in churches, but using curse words in gospel music is a HUGE no-no for me. I know gospel artistes copy secular artistes in many many ways, and I am willing to overlook some of those. But, what truly separates gospel music from secular music is the message. You cannot separate the message from the lyrics!
Just like my F-word-using friend, I have come across several Nigerian gospel songs that use curse words in them. In trying to find a logical explanation for this, I have come up with the following possible theories:
- Maybe the artistes do not realize that the word(s) they are using are considered curse words. That is possible, but I am not buying that.
- Maybe the artistes are just blindly copying 'Western' lingo to sound cool. Curse words come with that package. You can sound cool and be cool without using curse words. Believe me, you can.
- Maybe they want to prove that we can all come to Jesus just as we are. Yes, I agree, but the moment you pick up the microphone to start rapping or singing and label yourself as a gospel artiste, please understand that you have a responsibility to share your message without using certain nuances that secular artistes do. You are different. You are called to be different. Accept it.
- Maybe they really do want to just curse or use bad language in their music using freedom of speech as an excuse. Freedom of speech is not an excuse for opening your mouth irresponsibly.
In conclusion, gospel artistes, please write music responsibly. Completely eliminate curse words from your music. It is completely unnecessary.
Do you think gospel artistes should use curse words in their music?

I totally agree with you. its annoying when i hear gospel songs (rap especially) with curse words. its very very wrong......what kind of message are they passing?
I don‘t really listen to Nigerian gospel songs ‘cause I don‘t really think they are ‘gospel‘ songs, so I‘m not even aware of the usage of curse words... That‘s a big no-no anyways
As a curse word offender, I think most times we have gotten used to this words that we forget our environment. I am always conscious of where I use such words sha. But it sure is annoying when you listen to gospel songs and hear such words.
I think maybe I haven't yet listened to enough gospel songs cos I'm yet to come across one with curse words in it
that will be the day!
I was at a Gospel Open-Mic session once and artistes were supposed to do a freestyle-cypher towards the end of the programme. My verse was about "My Body" being God's temple. I used a line that goes "Everybody thinks I'm like BULLSHIT (to be fake or false, nonsense) but now let them know I'm very neat). I got an emphatic caution that swear/curse words were not allowed in the gathering.
Well, they may be right but that doesn't make my choice of word wrong. I guess the "shit" in Bullshit was more resounding but like you already said. Gospel Artistes are out to send a message, the message might just be embedded in the word. Remember, music is literature and by so it employs figures of speech like metaphors.
Nonetheless, the Bible says we shall give accounts of every idle word we say (rap or sing) on Judgement Day. I once heard of a choir-sister while leading praise & worship, she said "Baba God no dey F**K UP!" But of course, God never fails, He never F**ks up... I think she was just trying to sound tush, it didn't work.
My question is: Is cursing the same as the use of a curse word, like in my own case?
I don't think there is anything tush about using curse words, either in normal conversation like 'oh she fucked up' or with the intention to swear, i really think its a turn off and one of those western things we should not copy..and in Gospel no no!
I also don't think i've heard any with such words o
Gospel and curse words not mix!!!
No No NO NO... lol.. did I say no already? Gospel music is supposed to clear the head/soul and body, transport our minds above the clouds into the presence of God.
Really? I haven't heard such songs o.
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. The people must have been listening to such, for them to feel it is normal.
If I can't go to a Gospel song, and feel the solace of words that bless, then wahala dey oo.
I commented on this before...seems to have disappeared..
ah F word during prayer meeting - haba!
i dont even think a christian couple should be saying it when making love o... in or out of the bed room we should be ambassardors for Christ
for a long time i didnt know the word damn was a swear word (it is, right? or did i just make that up) and i hear some pastors say it on the pulpit...
is heck a swear word too ?
hahahaha...I had a good laugh reading the first paragraph.Oh well,reading through,I thought my exact feelings.I hear a lot of supposed born again christians use the f-word so freely even in church and I came to the conclusion that they were stark ignorant of choosing the right words.A simple WWJD question can truly help many of us overcome these tendencies.Before now,I simply lashed out but now I understand that orientation plays a lot of role in our everyday living:christian or not.Best bet is re-examining yourself like the Bible encourages us to do;asking yourself the question:WWJD.It helped me as a child and still does even now.
AY: I read your original comment and even remember what you said. I have no idea what happened to it. Sorry about that :-(
imagine that!!!...does it even sound right in a song that should be as a ministration or should it be heard in one's mouth as a spirit filled person or an ambassador for christ?
what differentiates us from the it not our words and actions...and so when we borrow words like F*** it from them, then what are we doing
and as for the ppl putting it in gospel songs..hmmmm...may God have mercy on us all, amen.
Hehe, I can imagine how it would sound. In our bid to 'blend-in' and be 'accepted', it's important to know why we were there in the first place. If you're gospel, then its just fair to stick to strictly gospel. Although, I'm yet to hear a song as such with curse words.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please Share.