Guess what? We have moved to
It is indeed true! What you heard by the water cooler, from the grapevine, and while fetching water in the stream with your calabash, is quite true. We (Me, myself and I) have moved to a new address:
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[Image Source: Apartment Therapy] |
I actually wanted to have a housewarming parry (for my mind sha) for these reasons:
1. I wanted an excuse to eat puff-puff and chin-chin, and make lots of noise in the name of celebrating with music.
2. I wanted an excuse to throw a party, then copy Jenifa as per the Dress Code: Yellow and Black, of course! (see a pattern here?)
All this because of new address, Relentless?! Well, that's not all.
This blog turned one year old a few months ago, but I did not pay attention to it for some reason. Actually, I know the reason, but I don't want to say it here. However, I also wanted to use the opportunity to say Thank You to all the readers, commenters, followers and visitors of this blog. Hence, there shall be a giveaway beginning on Friday. I hope to make it a habit from now on, but we shall see. Don't worry, the terms and conditions will be very easy e.g. skipping rope with only one leg, cook a pot of egusi soup blindfolded ... over wood fire (party style), and other easy tasks ... LOL!
Now, for a few housekeeping issues:
1. New E-mail Address: My new e-mail address is: I will still receive emails at the old one(s), but I would prefer that you use this new one.
2. Official Facebook Page: The Official Facebook page has been up for months and there are just two of us. While I know it is cute to think I can play ten-ten and tinko with the only other person that has liked my page, I would appreciate more people to "play" with. Maybe we can play "Who is in the garden?" Click "LIKE" on the Facebook Page (See Sidebar). I am, of course, open to play other games, provided you allow me win EVERY time. It is only fair.
3. Twitter: I am also on Twitter. That was where Honeydame with the support of Toin (after Michael had tried to get me to accept Kenny as my name) christened me "Ileayooluwakiishukiishakiite" a name I am yet to fully understand (and you can bet that yeye spell checker underlined it with a red, wavy line). I rejected Kenny because every twin I know is called Taiwo and Kehinde, and I don't want a generic name. Having said that, I refuse to believe Relentless is generic. How many Relentless Builders do you know? Aha, I didn't think so!
If you would like your very own ridiculously long and contrived name, then join me on Twitter: @relentlessbldr. #RidiculouslyLongNigerianNames might start trending after you join.
4. Pinterest: I am yet to fully utilize this one, but I am there nonetheless at
5. Souncloud: The next best thing since sliced akara. What? You've never heard of it. Neither have I. But, I know that somewhere on this planet, someone is slicing akara with a bread knife. The same person thinks Canoe quality soap was actually manufactured on a real canoe. Who am I to 'burst his (or her) bubble'? Anyway, I dey Sound Cloud:
6. ReverbNation: I still hangout here and it pays off in terms of finding new artistes to feature. My page: Yes, I am a fan, not an artiste.
After saying all this, I would like to state that you can still wear yellow and black today. There just won't be a party. Or puff-puff. Or chin-chin. Just me smiling at your hungry faces. *laughing wickedly*
Have a wonderful day! See you on Friday for the giveaway.

Congrats o... :)
lol.....congrats. i came wearing yellow and black and i want that puff puff
me! me!... i want puff puff too, with cold Schweppes, congrats girl :)
Hmm congrats. Thank God I still get updates from you, cos when some people change their addresses, that's the last time you get updates from them, and unfortunately, one cannot re-follow
Congrats!!!! You should throw the party... i want puff puff too.
Yay! *makosa* YipEEE! *insert other tush exclamations* Ope ooo!
Congrats dearie. Thank God for you and your blog. Nice improvement. You berra declare partyo else I call you your name *side eye *slow wink*
LDP: Thanks a lot o :-)
Lue: LOL, abi? Thank you, thank you, thank you. For wearing yellow and black, thank you. As for the puff-puff, emm ... you see ... I will blame it on the yeast not rising ... LOL!
Jemima: LOL! You sabi beta tin o! With Schweppes? Enjoyment galore! Like I told Lue, I shall blame the lack of puff-puff on the yeast not rising. LOL! Thanks a lot :-)
Atilola: Thanks a lot o! Really, that happens with a change of address? I am glad that was not the case here. That would have been a real pain!
FQ: Oh thank you so much! I should kuku throw the party shay? How does a virtual parry sound? Not what you had in mind? LOL! I shall continue to blame the absence of puff-puff on the yeast not rising :D
Michael: LOL at other tush exclamations. I wonder what those would be, but I am sure "Yeepa!" is not on the list.
Thanks a lot o for the congrats and compliments. I give God the glory! As for the parry *changing subject* ... What's wrong with your eye? Why the slow wink? LOL! Hehehe!
*cat-walks in looking spiffy and ready for a parry*
*does a double-take*
No shin shin? no poff poff?
*removes gele*
*mumbles to self* Ija ma shele leni
See me all deked out and yellow and black 'combinasion' and you wana blame the yeast? mio gba o! hian!
Okay o :-P
LOL! Mo da lohun jere. Bo se mon se nuu *Ibadan accent*
Congratulations! I am truly happy for you. See how big you have come and how far you still have left. Congrats again..God will make you much bigger...Keep inspiring
Oga michaeli, please call it o.. there are there are too many of us awaiting your answer and then she raised our expectations, only to say no chin chin or puff puff or jollof; not even common fanta to wash the occassion. *feet tapping* and then she wants us to play 'who is in the garden' (which reminds me of :D
Loving your playlists though... it makes me want to join those sites.. I'm still thinking sha.
Congratulations and happy one year!!! Many more to come.
Michael: LOL o!
Dayo: Ehen, so you are part of the "Sniff Relentless out of hiding" Club. I see. I shall be watching you a bit more closely from now on *eyes narrowed* LOL!
Michael does not know my real name. Just the adopted one, which Honeydame dashed me, with the approval of Toinlicious. So, the search continues *grinning*
As for the puff-puff and chin chin, goodness! I had no idea there were so many pastry lovers in the house. I guess I am not the only one with a sweet tooth :-) We'll have to fix that real soon. Ah, Fanta was not on the list o. That I can authoritatively tell you. LOL at the who is in the garden video. The things people upload online ehn ....
I'm glad you like the playlists. You should join now, even if it is just for the sake of varying your tastes.
Toin: No shin shin? ROFL ... I don laff taya. Afi shin shin sha ...
Emmm! So, Toin, what was the color of the gele, out of curiousity? LOL! Omo, I pictured you cat-walking truly truly and it cracked me up. Later now, you go talk say you no dey MOD. See the evidence before you! I hope you took pictures before removing that gele sha. *dodges gele thrown in her direction by Toin* Oops, I left out the "ija ma shele leni" part. Sorry ... Emmm ... The yeast, yes .... I shall blame it all on the yeast. How yeast go verify whether e rise abi e no rise? LOL! Calm down madam. We will find a way to share "virtual" Shin shin and kpoff kpoff. Okay? :D
*searching desperately for Ibadan Yoruba - English dictionary* Ahem! I no sabi this one wey una talk o, but it's all good.
Nollywood Rave:
Thank you so much for the well wishes. I appreciate your support along the way, and hope you'll continue to support me. I say AMEN to your prayers and pray that I can do more too!
Sixth Lens: Thank you so much for the congratulations. And a Big Amen to your prayers. I look forward to celebrating with you too when the time comes.
Congrats Dr Sister Aunty Relentless. Eku ise oluwa .Lol
Praizhouse: LOL! Ise Oluwa ko le baje now! Thanks for the good wishes. You left out Pastor, President, Governor and Local Government Chairman. There is still space to add them o *hint* LOL! Thanks for your support.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please Share.