SEPTEMBER GIVEAWAY: Three $ 10 iTunes Gift Cards
Happy September, y'all! Thank God we made it to another new month. *does the Halleluyah wave and bursts into three seconds of the Hallelujah chorus*
For the month of September, I will be giving away three $ 10 iTunes gift cards. If you've been following previous giveaways, please take note of the rules as I have made a few adjustments.
For the month of September, I will be giving away three $ 10 iTunes gift cards. If you've been following previous giveaways, please take note of the rules as I have made a few adjustments.
To enter the giveaway, you must:
1. Follow me on any of these social networks:
Facebook -
Twitter - @RelentlessBldr
Blogger - Click "Join this site"
2. Leave the following information in the comment section:
- Your Facebook/Twitter/Blogger name
- Your e-mail address
- Answer to this question: What song would you dedicate to the month of September? (Please name the artiste/band and song title)
That is all I require for this giveaway. I will select the winners using a Random Number Generator, and I will announce the winners in October 2012 (Don't worry, I won't keep you in suspense till 2013).
Deadline: September 30, 2012
As always, if you have any questions, you can send me an email at:
All the best guys!

I am already following!!
Name: Uzoma Ikechukwu
Song:Hillsong/Beneath The Waters(I Will Rise)
Blogger name is @ilola
Song: Hello God by Dennis DeYoung
Blogger name: Le Dynamique Professeur
email: dynamiqueprofesseur at ymail dot com
song: Inside out | Hillsong
twitter name i follow you by: kayday3
email: katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
song: have you forgotten by darryl worley
Finally something i can enter for *azonto-ing*
Following on blogger & twitter (You been MIA on twitter o)
Blogger name: Toinlicious
Song: Before The Morning by Josh Wilson
I know I'm late, but the card is calling me, so I'm answering back
Blogger name: Dayo?
Song: God Dey Bless Me by Cwesi Oteng
Email :
Song : there are so many ! If I had to pick one (it is the case ha ha !) I would have to go with Final Call by The Noisettes !
Facebook/Twitter/Blogger name: blcompere/@blcompere
E-mail address:
What song would you dedicate to the month of September? (Please name the artiste/band and song title): Steve Willis (Strong Thing)
I am your follower
Name: JostWrite
Song:Still That Girl by Britt Nicole
I follow you on Facebook: Carolsue Anderson: Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I would dedicate this song: September When I First Met You by Barry White
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please Share.