Liebster Award Courtesy of One + The One
Blog Awards
So, I got another Liebster Award from the wonderful One Plus The One. *curtsies* Thank you very much, ma'am. I really appreciate it :-)
This is my 2nd Liebster Award. The first one was from AdeOla of JostWrite. However, it is my very first award this year. In short sha, dis award dey make belle dey sweet me, body dey move me (that's from Samsong's "Blame it on tha Most High"). I know ... shameless advertising. What will you do? Bite me? Lol!
The Rules (a.k.a "The Catch")
1. Thank and link back to the giver
2. Answer the giver's questions
3. Nominate 5 other bloggers with fewer than 200 followers
4. Ask 5 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Post it on your blog
I have taken care of Number 1. Off to Number 2.
Questions from One Plus The One:
1. Who is one person you'd like to meet and why?
Ehen, it is good that you asked. I would like to meet the person who invented the koboko. I would specifically like to ask him what bitter childhood experience made him (or her) decide that inventing an instrument of torture for young children (and some teenagers, and some unfortunate fully-grown adults) was his life's goal. I would still like to know. Tenk you.
2. What was your fantasy *dream job* as a child?
I wanted to be a law lecturer. Today, I bless God for not answering my prayers, especially for the salary part. I would still like to guest lecture, but not as a full-time job.
3. Place in order of priority - Husband/Wife, Children, Father, Mother, Best Friend, Work, Church.
Clearly, this is a trick and a trap rolled into one. But it won't werk. *side-steps trap and narrowly misses falling into a gutter*
Here is the correct arrangement:
1. God
2. Husband
3. Children
After number 3, the rest is up for debate.
4. Have you ever been broken-hearted? When and How?
Yes, I was heartbroken when they killed off Matthew Crawley's character in Downton Abbey. I am still beefing Julian Fellowes for that move. And Matthew sef.
5. Let's dream a little .... Describe your ideal other half and how he will pop /popped the question
Oh no! That's private now. All I will say is that he better be taller than me, and he better be on his "kneels" when the question is being popped. Special number by the Mariachi band is very optional.
And now to the final part. I nominate the following awesome bloggers:
Ola's Honestea
Priscy's World
Victor Iweanya
Ode to Life and its Lessons
Roots Don't Lie
My Questions for the nominees are the same as the ones I answered:
1. Who is one person you'd like to meet and why?
2. What was your fantasy *dream job* as a child?
3. Place in order of priority - Husband/Wife, Children, Father, Mother, Best Friend, Work, Church.
4. Have you ever been broken-hearted? When and How?
5. Let's dream a little.... Describe your ideal other half and how he will pop /popped the question
And that's all folks!
*Image Source
This is my 2nd Liebster Award. The first one was from AdeOla of JostWrite. However, it is my very first award this year. In short sha, dis award dey make belle dey sweet me, body dey move me (that's from Samsong's "Blame it on tha Most High"). I know ... shameless advertising. What will you do? Bite me? Lol!
The Rules (a.k.a "The Catch")
1. Thank and link back to the giver
2. Answer the giver's questions
3. Nominate 5 other bloggers with fewer than 200 followers
4. Ask 5 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Post it on your blog
I have taken care of Number 1. Off to Number 2.
Questions from One Plus The One:
1. Who is one person you'd like to meet and why?
Ehen, it is good that you asked. I would like to meet the person who invented the koboko. I would specifically like to ask him what bitter childhood experience made him (or her) decide that inventing an instrument of torture for young children (and some teenagers, and some unfortunate fully-grown adults) was his life's goal. I would still like to know. Tenk you.
2. What was your fantasy *dream job* as a child?
I wanted to be a law lecturer. Today, I bless God for not answering my prayers, especially for the salary part. I would still like to guest lecture, but not as a full-time job.
3. Place in order of priority - Husband/Wife, Children, Father, Mother, Best Friend, Work, Church.
Clearly, this is a trick and a trap rolled into one. But it won't werk. *side-steps trap and narrowly misses falling into a gutter*
Here is the correct arrangement:
1. God
2. Husband
3. Children
After number 3, the rest is up for debate.
4. Have you ever been broken-hearted? When and How?
Yes, I was heartbroken when they killed off Matthew Crawley's character in Downton Abbey. I am still beefing Julian Fellowes for that move. And Matthew sef.
5. Let's dream a little .... Describe your ideal other half and how he will pop /popped the question
Oh no! That's private now. All I will say is that he better be taller than me, and he better be on his "kneels" when the question is being popped. Special number by the Mariachi band is very optional.
And now to the final part. I nominate the following awesome bloggers:
Ola's Honestea
Priscy's World
Victor Iweanya
Ode to Life and its Lessons
Roots Don't Lie
My Questions for the nominees are the same as the ones I answered:
1. Who is one person you'd like to meet and why?
2. What was your fantasy *dream job* as a child?
3. Place in order of priority - Husband/Wife, Children, Father, Mother, Best Friend, Work, Church.
4. Have you ever been broken-hearted? When and How?
5. Let's dream a little.... Describe your ideal other half and how he will pop /popped the question
And that's all folks!
*Image Source

LOL @ your answers.. I like that it shows your playful side :-D
+ you cheated on many of the queshions but I forgive you..
It was a very entertaining read.. xx
+1 on the koboko question.
Lol..+1000000 on koboko
me sef would love to know about the #1. lol. congrats on your award dear and thanks for nominating moi.
Thank you so much for the Award... will get back to the questions shortly... Thanks again.. my second award from you... So excited
Victor: You're welcome! I'll be on the lookout for your answers.
1 + The One: I'm glad you were entertained :-)
P.S. Like I said, I prefer the term "creative avoidance" rather than cheating. *adjusts hair*
Toin: I see this question has also crossed your mind, ba?
Dayor: You left out like three more zeros ... Lol!
Priscy: Aha! I knew I wasn't the only one who wondered about that. Thanks o and you're very welcome!
you this geh!!!looool
Sugarspring: What can I say? Mischief calleth. Hehe!
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please Share.